Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Procrastinators Unite...Tomorrow

I’m not really sure where I get my procrastination habits. I’ve been this way since high school, putting papers, and homework, and studying off until the last nanosecond. So much so, if I had a test 8th period I would just study during all of my classes that day.  It’s a terrible habit, but hey, I’ll work on it…tomorrow.
I wanted to make a post on Thanksgiving for all the things I'm thankful for, but some how it ended up the Tuesday after turkey day and I didn’t have it done… 
So here is an edited list of my top fave's 
I’m thankful for my friends, without them life would suck.

I’m thankful for my family, mostly for dealing with me.

Im thankful for this picture of Kris Jenner.
I’m thankful for F R I E N D S. without the 6 of them, my life would not be as sarcastic as Chandler, as clean as Monica, as fashionable as Rachel, as witty as Ross, as naïve as Joey, and as hysterically weird as Phoebe. (‘ello there mate!)
and of course I’m thankful for Fritz, he’s a girl's best friend, and my child on four legs.
Now, it’s practically December. Seriously where did the year go? I feel like I was just buying party hats for Fritz’s first birthday. The whole, “time flies when you get older,” is no joke. At this rate, I need to mentally begin preparing for my 25th birthday. FAUCK!

On the plus side I have a head start on my Christmas shopping…
On the ridiculous side, every time I buy something for someone else, I buy myself something too…

Friday, November 16, 2012


THE WEEKEND HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!! My most anticipated one of the whole year! LSU vs Ole Miss! Seriously, hands down, the best time of year. All of my friends, both high school and college, TOGETHER! same state and all!!!
Can you tell im stoked?
Linking up with Lauren to for my other top 5 moments of the week!
1. My sister sent me this picture of Caroline, she is so effing cute. Made my Monday that much better. Jackie is coming into town tonight for the game, and leaving C here for the rest of the week until Thanksgiving. SO excited to spend a little extra time with her!!
2. Mal and I put up our Christmas tree. It looks so good, better than last year i think! 'Tis the Season!
3. This is my moms shopping cart from Sams. She decided she wanted a "fun" tree, instead of her normal formal one. SO SO SO excited she is in the spirit this year. 
4. We had Game Night #3 on Sunday. I made muffulettas. They were ok. Not as big of a hit as my sliders were last month.
5. This is a picture from Ole Miss vs LSU in Oxford, circa 2009, seriously one of the best trips ever. Except it wasn't a trip for me, but majority of my Baton Rouge friends came to Oxford. Let's just say I was INCREDIBLY lucky that this game falls on the weekend before Thanksgiving break. Both me and my liver needed the rest.
I hope everyone has a great a weekend as I will!
#HottyToddy #GeauxTigers
I don't really care who wins, I'm just here for the party :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Name is Jennifer..

And I'm a Shopaholic...

Welcome, to my first unofficial SA meeting.
I’m not quite sure when this began, but my tendencies to resist buying whatever I want have disappeared. UNWILLINGLY.
I am pretty much under the impression my bank account is ever funding and the non-existent zero’s, do exist!
To make matters worse, I cleaned out my closet last night and all the empty hangers have left me feeling that I have no clothes.
The truth is I really don’t have as many clothes, as say, myroommatewhoseclosetisfullandcouldntfitapieceofpaperinbetweenherworkshirtsandcasualshirts.
This has lead me to believe I am in sort of competition, that she is unaware of, until she reads this.  :) 
I am fortunate enough to not need to separate work clothes with casual clothes, meaning, clothes I would wear out to grab dinner, I would totally wear to work. Maybe this is why my rods aren’t buckling in the middle, due to the weight; because I don’t need to separate my everyday life from my weekend life.
Pinterest doesn’t help. I envy the person who designed this fabulous website. 
Why don’t I think of things like this? 
The income from such creativity would really help with my pending addiction.
It has also turned me into an exquisite cook and a fabulous designer, for the house I one day hope to own, but these are discussions for another day. 
I feel like our game nights have turned into a “who found the best recipe on pinterest” night.
I’ll stop babbling now, while you all trickle off to pin new things… 

Monday, November 5, 2012


The holiday season is upon us, and it’s nothing like the holidays to remind you, 
you are Oh. So. Single.
Remember in my about me, when I said I’d chat about it’s ok to be single in your semi-mid twenties? Well, here I am, following through…
If you’re anything like me, the thought of seeing one more friend on facebook get engaged is going to send you right over the edge; the edge of that cliff I mean.
It’s like some sick joke the world is playing on you, right?
Easier said that done, but you can’t let it get you down.
Life goes on, whether you’re single or not. So why sulk about it when things could be so much worse?
Yep, it sucks not having that little jewelry box under the tree. And yes, it sucks when your fam keeps asking if you are seeing anyone, and you want to respond with, “Yeh, lots of anyone’s – Jim, Jack, Jose….”; but you just shake your head firmly and change the subject back to how cute the little ones are.
At my age, my sister was planning her wedding, which is kind of depressing, considering I don’t even have a backup to plan a faux wedding. But honestly, as I was being filmed - toasting myself in the corner of her wedding reception with two champagne glasses, I was toasting myself to find someone who made me as happy as her new hubby makes her.
So when you’re feeling blue, remember it’s worth the long agonizing wait, rather than settling just because you need someone to feel the void.
Take the time to figure out what makes yourself happy, and to bond with your friends.
I’m probably definitely giving myself a pep talk here; but seriously, when your enjoying that free drink the cute boy at the bar bought you, bask in the attention and stop making yourself think he is going to father your children. 
More likely than not, you’ll never see him again.