Meet Fritz:
This is my one and a half year old German Shorthaired
Pointer. He is 51.2 pounds of muscle and energy; and with the occasional
excited pee and 7am wakeup calls aside, he is the best (non human) friend anyone
could have. But let’s be honest here: Fritz was a result of an impulse buy from
a couple with a 6 year on and off again relationship (that now rests
permanently in the off position).
>Need a play be play? We saw him, his sweet puppy
eyes won us over, and we bought him<
Now as a single “mom” my life has changed a lot. I know some
people think I’m crazy because I treat my dog as a child, and speak of him as
one, but there is a significance to Fritz I’m not sure everyone understands. He
kept me from a sad place, kept my energy up, and most of all – kept my spirits
up. I mean how can you look at
this face and NOT smile??
(Now, just to clarify, I am not comparing myself to single
moms in any way. I pretty much hit my knees every time I think of what it would
be like if Fritz was an impulse baby. YIKES!! )
I totally agree with all of this. My Apartment would be so quiet and lonely without Ben. He has been the sweetest dog! But you're right...they're NOT cheap! Parker overdosed Benny on heart worm pills which result in an emergency vet tripped. Not to mention he suffers from separation anxiety so he's on anti-anxiety meds which are $30/month. But me and especially Parker couldn't live without him! (excuse my typos, it won't let me go back and fix them on my phone)