Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'm Going Cornatose...


How in the eff is it already Wednesday??!
I was going to blog Sunday night about how amazingly relaxing and not at all exciting my weekend was, but I didn’t. I hate Sunday’s. I hate them so much. Who likes a day that you have to get all your shit together for a whole other week? I’d rather Monday morning, than Sunday evening. I get the Sunday’s Blues like it’s nobodies business. Yeh, I’ve participated in the Sunday Funday action, and yeh, there is good TV; but, in reality, it’s the day you have to go home, or the day your vacation ends, or the day before some awful week may or may not prevail.
I stayed at my moms all weekend. I hate leaving her house, even on a weeknight. I wish she lived closer. Here is where she is thinking, Why don’t you live closer? Well mom, you live in B F E. By the time I got up and ready for work I’d be an hour late. This isn’t high school where I can sleep in my uniform, get up, brush my teeth, wash my face, and hit the road, Jack!
Enter high school nostalgia here

Monday and Tuesday just flew by. I guess cause I was busy those days, or maybe it’s because I have been in a candy corn coma since Sunday, and I'm just now realizing my sugar high.

Erin got Fritz this sweet toy for Halloween.
 He ripped its face apart last night. But look at this picture, how can you say no to him?!?
Now we are half way to the weekend, and I'm trying to prepare my liver. Erin’s birthday celebration is this weekend, and I have a feeling candy corn is not going to be my biggest problem.
Vomiting. Partying is. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to try really hard not to vomit. But I can't make any promises. Those candy corn m and ms you've introduced me to are SO addicting. Geez.
