Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Letters

Changing it up a little this week. Linking with Ashley, from Adventures of Newlyweds, for Friday Letters!

 Dear Kabuki. You are amazing. I wish you were differently located so other people could know your amazingness. Don’t worry I am working on spreading the word. Dear Dani and Mal, thank you for walking the LSU lakes with Fritz and me on Tuesday. We thoroughly enjoy the scenery, and its even better to enjoy with someone who can talk back to me. I hope we can do it more often.  Dear Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes, get your shit together. No one, seriously, NO ONE gets in that many wrecks in that amount of time. Everyone is past the point of you knowing you need attention. I mean, Amanda, no one had seen or heard from you since What I Like About You; I’m beginning to believe you were jealous of all the attention Jenny Garth has been getting. If y’all need attention why not try the, shaving your head, ramming cars with umbrellas, Britney Spears way.  Dear Hilary Duff, thank you for beating the Disney/Nickelodeon curse. Dear Bulldog, thank you for becoming my new hangout with Fritz. Dear Sonic, screw you for being next to the Bulldog, but thank you for giving me the wrong order – because it was disgusting and kept me from eating unnecessary calories. Dear Sister, Thank you for my Birchbox subscription – seriously best present ever award goes to you.  Dear New Orleans, please take it easy on me this weekend, I am preparing myself to bring my A game, which could be dangerous for all involved…



  1. I'm sad I'll miss out on the Nola festivities, but I have a feeling you'll do enough partying for the both of us. Nola won't even miss me! I like this Friday Letters thing... so creative! :)

  2. hahaha, so, so true to Lindsay and Amanda!! Happy Friday!

    Significance or Nothing.

  3. i love hilary duff!! she's so sweet...STILL! what's going on in nola??!
