Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Sleepless in Vicksburg"

Do you know what it’s like to wake up to a child screaming bloody murder? And you realize you’re the one who needs to be wearing pampers because you practically shit yourself trying to get to their room? I witnessed this, this past weekend, as my sister came barreling through the den into my niece, Caroline’s, room. She must be used to this, because she had already turned the corner before I could wipe the drool from my mouth…Everything, of course, was fine – except her eye was crusted together from what we assume was pink eye. Did I mention this was the night before her little brother’s first birthday party? Yes, it may have been sabotage to get pink eye and ruin poor Noah’s day; but honestly, does she know that farting on her pillow can lead to conjunctivitis?!

Turned out none of the parents were too worried about it, and made an appearance. Here are some pics of Noah devouring his first taste of sugar:

He probably would have devoured rice cakes, since he has only been subjected to organic foods for the past 12 months.

Now, here is where I vow to never complain about Fritz waking me up at 7:30 on a weekend! At least I can take him out, let him do what he has to do, and then put him in his kennel or throw him outside, if he decides he is up for the day. What do you do when both of your kids are up at 7:30, one wont let you put them down and the other is screaming because she doesn’t want the baby touching “her toys?”  ((I guess it’s considered child abuse if you put your child in a kennel? )) Seriously though, I want kids; but, I also want a nanny, no job, and a prescription to xanax. Major props to my sister for the devotion she has to her tiny tots! And to her pup, who if you read my previous post, is referred to as the “peepee bandit”.

I hope everyone else’s Labor Day weekend was as exciting as mine was! College football started this weekend, this is one of the only reasons I am ok with saying goodbye to summer.  I’m also sad to say adios to my white jeans though – they are my fave. But, with the heat index ill gladly toss them aside for some cool air!

So bring it on Fall! I’m ready for pumpkin spice coffee, a cool walk around the lakes with Fritz, and LSU/Ole Miss! 


  1. Only organic? Is Jackie eating organic too?

  2. I hate saying bye to white jeans and shorts :((
    I'm sure Apricot Lane will have something for you to fill the void until next summer.

  3. no, Jackie doesn't. But, she had Caroline eat it until she was like 2 almost. I think it keeps their immune system up and stuff

    Mal, I'm sure you are right! I haven't been there in forever! I think we should make a trip :)

  4. Ima miss my white shorts for sure. Seems like everything I have goes perfectly with them :/ I wanna go to blink someday
