Saturday, August 25, 2012

Weight Listed

Coming home from the beach has to one the most depressing things. EVER. Knowing you have to get back to reality, go back to work, and the truth that having your first drink at 10am is boarder line alcoholism. The only thing that makes the return ok is getting to pick up Fritz!

FYI: The beach house WAS dog friendly, but Fritz exceeded the weight limit. However, let me give you a quick recap of the vacay the pooches that were invited had:
1. The Swimmer (or not): My aunt and uncle’s dog fell into the pool 10 minutes after we arrived, and with NO doggie paddle move whatsoever. She just sunk straight to the bottom. My stepmom had to jump in with all of her clothes on and save her…
2. The Runaway: My parents’ dog snuck out of the gate while we were all swimming. After we all jumped out of the pool looking for her, my dad ran out of the gate and saw her prancing down Scenic Hwy 98…
3. The PeePee Bandit: When we first got there we rolled up all of the rugs so none of the pups could pee on them. The night before we left we put them all back down; well, my sisters dog must be smarter than we realized, because two seconds later she was peeing under the dinning room table…
So basically – despite Fritz’s weight – he probably would have been the best behaved.

Besides the dog drama, the trip was fabulous and wonderfully relaxing. I got to spend time with these rugrats:
I also got to spend time with my sister, which I love. She lives in Mississippi, so our bonding time is limited. We do chitchat at least once a day, via text, but she is one of my favorite parts of vacation!
We also got to see a couple across the street bonding; if “crazy bitch” and “dumb drunk” and “your children will never talk to you after this”, is considered bonding. It was really one of the most highlighting points of the trip. I love a good dramatic fight, in person, when no one I know is involved. It’s always super classy.

Besides all the love and hate, there was shopping! What is it about vacation that makes you think you are one of the Kardashians? My favorite purchase though was my two new t-shirts! I know you’re thinking t-shirts? Seriously? This bitch is no Kardashian… BUT I stumbled upon this brand called Southern Point Co.

This guy who graduated from Alabama created the brand, and it is designed after his GSP!! Check out the link – they have online shopping. It won’t disappoint!
Andd, for my birthday, my sister signed me up to Birch Box. It’s this fabulous company that sends you samples and whatnot each month of different skincare, makeup, and other odd and ends. My roomie has been getting it for months. I am always jealous of her packages; so I was super excited about this gift. Check out Mal’s Blog to see all the deats about Birch Box and more stories of a makeup junkie.

On the total flipside... Hurricane Issac is headed for the Gulf. Is it totally wrong of me that a tiny part of me hopes heavy rain heads our way so I can escape a few more days of work?? 


  1. To answer your last question, no. I love a good MILD hurricane but if I get stuck at the hospital and have to sleep there, I will blame you. Ps. I wish I could have seen Nay jumping in to save that dog! Haha the mental image is cracking me up at 430am :)

  2. it was hysterical. i walked outside and she was drenched and the dog was shaking like crazy
