Friday, September 28, 2012


Happy Friday y'all! If your work week was anything like mine, then today is a miracle it even arrived!

I'm linking up with Lauren again today, for my #H54F
1. I saw this AMAZING sunset; me and the rooms went for a walk around the lakes again and we got to witness this. (P.S Loved all the extra time I got to spend with her while her boy toy was gone!)
2. Tuesday, I left my purse AT WORK! Who does that?? I must have been itching to get out of there REALLL bad!
3. Fritz, just because this pic is adorbs, also cause it’s nice when he’s not jumping all over the place
4. Last night I ate Zoes Kitchen. This Greek salad is awesome, if you haven’t been there. GO NOW, you can thank me later...
5. After work today, me and Fritz-ter are off to Vicksburg for a weekend with my sister, mom, and the babies! Can’t wait to spend some time just the three of us, well five of us, but you knoww….

Hope everyone’s week is dryer than the souths is planned to be….
 Also, HOTTY TODDY #BeatBama!!!!! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Shaping Up


Last week, my friends and I decided to start walking (although it was not promised that it would be a reoccurring thing), but I made a promise to myself it would be.  Last night I decided I would see how far I could run… hahahhah {i.e. how quick I could get out of breath and feel like I'm dying)….  Oh to be 17 again, please allow my nostalgia for high school to kick in here. I thought I drank a lot of water, I obviously don’t drink enough though. Plus, I’m sure my closet alcoholism, social drinking, doesn’t help either. My goal is to loose about 30 pounds, maybe if I blog about it, it will keep my motivation up. I WILL fit into my Citizen jeans before this year is over!

I do have to give it to my new kicks though; they are amazeballs. They’re really light AND they don’t have holes in the soles like my other pair.

Any helpful tips that keep your motivation up??? Hook a sista up….

Monday, September 24, 2012

Bourbon, on the Rocks...

What is it about Bourbon Street that makes you think you’re invincible?  I don’t know the answer either, but let me know if you come up with a good one….

Just for a quick Friday recap; the only remotely exciting thing that happen was Mal forced me to run to one of our fav boutiques, where I ended up spending A LOT of money. She’ll be sorry when it’s time for the rent check….

This brings me to Saturday. I'm not kidding when I say ANY opportunity Ole Miss students are given to go to New Orleans; they go. Whether it be a football game, a formal, Mardi Gras… I'm not really sure why they just don’t just make Mardi Gras a holiday. There are more students in class during Winter Intersession than there is during Mardi Gras week…  As for formal, Memphis is a mere 50 minutes away from Oxford, but who wants to go a calm ferry boat ride, when you can get wasted and naked at no cost in the NOLA baby?

I'm telling you New Orleans makes you do crazy things; good girls go bad, shy girls go crazy, and frat boys, well they remain frat boys. If you haven’t made the trip {you're crazy}, you must put it on your bucket list. Even if its just a random weekend, not Mardi Gras , or Jazz Fest, etc., there is always a crazy drunk yelling at some hippies on the corner that he is going to “beat their ass for being so lazy.”

Sunday lead to a LONNGGGG ride back to Baton Rouge, it definitely seemed longer than an hour to get home.{an eternity}. I ate some grease, and then took a two hour nap, before I had to pick up Fritz. Then, I found myself as Dick’s for looking for some new Nikes. I got these bad boys for 40 dollars cheaper, because they are youth size. Can’t say I'm complaining for having small feet…

Linking up with Leeann, Dana, and Sami

Hope everyone has a fabulous week!

Fritz may have been replaced :) Only in the NOLA 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Letters

Changing it up a little this week. Linking with Ashley, from Adventures of Newlyweds, for Friday Letters!

 Dear Kabuki. You are amazing. I wish you were differently located so other people could know your amazingness. Don’t worry I am working on spreading the word. Dear Dani and Mal, thank you for walking the LSU lakes with Fritz and me on Tuesday. We thoroughly enjoy the scenery, and its even better to enjoy with someone who can talk back to me. I hope we can do it more often.  Dear Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes, get your shit together. No one, seriously, NO ONE gets in that many wrecks in that amount of time. Everyone is past the point of you knowing you need attention. I mean, Amanda, no one had seen or heard from you since What I Like About You; I’m beginning to believe you were jealous of all the attention Jenny Garth has been getting. If y’all need attention why not try the, shaving your head, ramming cars with umbrellas, Britney Spears way.  Dear Hilary Duff, thank you for beating the Disney/Nickelodeon curse. Dear Bulldog, thank you for becoming my new hangout with Fritz. Dear Sonic, screw you for being next to the Bulldog, but thank you for giving me the wrong order – because it was disgusting and kept me from eating unnecessary calories. Dear Sister, Thank you for my Birchbox subscription – seriously best present ever award goes to you.  Dear New Orleans, please take it easy on me this weekend, I am preparing myself to bring my A game, which could be dangerous for all involved…


Monday, September 17, 2012

Streak Fair

Why did I find it necessary to get drunk on Saturday, after having JUST got over the stomach bug? I DON’T KNOW! What I do know is, it is getting harder and harder to kick a hangover. Especially when you have to get up and go to a one year old’s birthday party. I’m all about family time, but 12 toddlers banging musical instruments and running around like it’s a petting zoo is NOT listed in my hangover remedies.
I may have been trying to numb the fact that I was not in Oxford, with the rest of America, this weekend. Ole Miss lost to Texas, but it was pretty much the social event of the year. PLUS there was a streaker. This guy is my idol….

P.S. when did it become September 17th?? I feel like I need to start Christmas shopping…

Friday, September 14, 2012

It's Friday, Bitches

Happy #H54F!! Linking up with Lauren again. Also, fare warning, Mal and I will share a few of the same favorites this week. Cant help that I live with my best frannn..
1. Game Night was the bomb. I know I had an entire post dedicated to it, but really, what’s better than a bunch of your besties all together drinking wine and chatting about how stupid and naïve we used to be!
2. Had a Mexican Fiesta Tuesday with a bunch of the same girls, but also with a couple friends I hadn’t seen in a while.  It’s always nice to catch up with old girlfriends.
3. I knew I was destined to get sick eventually, and I was right, because I’m pretty sure I thought I was dying Wednesday and Thursday. The good thing was I got to stay home and have Fritz take care of me.
4. The Vampire Diaries is up on Netflix. NO ONE can tell me Ian Somerholder isn’t sexy. He’s my pick to play Christian Grey…
5. I got told how well I was doing at work. Its always nice to get a pat on the back sometimes…
Hope everyone’s weekend is balls to the wall!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Game On

 Do not pass go, Do not collect $200! Game Night was a success! First up was Monopoly, we didn’t finish, but it still lasted longer than I thought it would! Has anyone ever finished that game?! I really think people have these things just to eat an outrageous amount of food…

I feel like today has been full of activity. My morning started off quite eventful. I had forgot to buy wine last night, so I ran to CVS, because I needed to pick up my prescription anyway. (Despite the heat index you have to love Louisiana for being able to purchase any kind of liquor, from any drug store, at any hour of the day) So there I was, 10am on a Monday morning, checking out with a bottle of Chardonnay and my birth control. Tasteful right? It was a real horse race between me and the lady in the too tight shirt and shorts, who arguably, hadn’t washed her hair in days, screaming at her child to “Put the damn toy down, and get over here!” She also told him when they got home he had to go to his room and not come out…
I’m not sure which of us is classier…

Next, I’m leaving the parking lot and pull behind this Range Rover
I’m all about free speech, but is it necessary to express it all over your $70,000 car?? I’m not really sure the “Don’t Steal” sticker will send a message to the idiot that is looking for a new tattooed ride…Honestly, they would only be doing you a favor...

 Later, I received this from my friend, Britni
We both have extremely charming ex boyfriends. Charming - in the sense - that they believe in drugs, not hugs. I wouldn’t be shocked if mine was the idiot to jack the very identifiable Range Rover… I got to give it to Pinterest for always having something to relate to.

We also got to visit this guy
If only I was this cute back when I passed out spread eagle at parties… 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Funday

WELCOME COLD FRONT! Today felt amazing outside! I say amazing, I mean it was 81 degrees, but I live in a humidity hole so I have to take what I can get… This weekend was really better than I thought it would be. Majority of my friends were working, because in some bizarre world they all decided their dreams were to be nurses – but whateve. My little cousin offered me an extra ticket to the LSU game, so I decided to join him. We met up with his friends, then met up with my roomie, and it ended up being a great time! 
Plus, we got to see Shaq!
Today was pretty productive - I love a productive Sunday. However, I think I have karma headed my way… I was checking out at CVS and the lady gave me too much change. I noticed, but didn’t say anything to her. It was only like 5 bucks! Maybe her drawer not balancing is her karma…. (totally) I also didn’t pay for my diet cokes at Target. That was a total accident. Maybe if I didn’t have to buy Fritz 20 pounds of food, it wouldn’t have been hidden under it! I blame him…
Tomorrow is going to be amazeballs. Mal and my besties are coming over for our first official game night! We decided at least once a month one of us would host game night, pretty much so we could have an excuse to all get together, booze up, and gossip about the bitches that didn’t make the guest list. Kidding…sort of..
Fritz will be super excited about all of the company. He loves a good party.
Happy Monday!

Friday, September 7, 2012

High Five for Friday!

Linking up with Lauren from From My Grey Desk. This is my first H54F so I'm excited! I hope this can get me some more readers! Here we go:

1. Got an extra day off of work this week! I got to spend it with my sweet nephew! As you know from my previous post, it was his first birthday! How can you not love that sweet face!
2. Kabuki. The name of my newest favorite sushi place! We had one of these in Oxford, it isn't the same, but at least the name lives up to its potential. Best Sushi EVER. Plus, a fabulous new place for girls night!
3. My dental hygentist talked me into buying this toothbrush. It only cost an arm and a leg, but I think it may have been worth it. I really really like it. If you don't know me, I am a freak about my teeth. So this is definately a winner!
4. Fritz's first trip to the Bulldog! This was a total success! He was so good, and a total attention grabber! So glad he was so good, because I want to bring him back!
5. 34oz beer. I don't even think this needs a description! But for you out of towners- Plucker's, the best wing place in town, has these ginormous beers. A great way to relax after a busy work week!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Sleepless in Vicksburg"

Do you know what it’s like to wake up to a child screaming bloody murder? And you realize you’re the one who needs to be wearing pampers because you practically shit yourself trying to get to their room? I witnessed this, this past weekend, as my sister came barreling through the den into my niece, Caroline’s, room. She must be used to this, because she had already turned the corner before I could wipe the drool from my mouth…Everything, of course, was fine – except her eye was crusted together from what we assume was pink eye. Did I mention this was the night before her little brother’s first birthday party? Yes, it may have been sabotage to get pink eye and ruin poor Noah’s day; but honestly, does she know that farting on her pillow can lead to conjunctivitis?!

Turned out none of the parents were too worried about it, and made an appearance. Here are some pics of Noah devouring his first taste of sugar:

He probably would have devoured rice cakes, since he has only been subjected to organic foods for the past 12 months.

Now, here is where I vow to never complain about Fritz waking me up at 7:30 on a weekend! At least I can take him out, let him do what he has to do, and then put him in his kennel or throw him outside, if he decides he is up for the day. What do you do when both of your kids are up at 7:30, one wont let you put them down and the other is screaming because she doesn’t want the baby touching “her toys?”  ((I guess it’s considered child abuse if you put your child in a kennel? )) Seriously though, I want kids; but, I also want a nanny, no job, and a prescription to xanax. Major props to my sister for the devotion she has to her tiny tots! And to her pup, who if you read my previous post, is referred to as the “peepee bandit”.

I hope everyone else’s Labor Day weekend was as exciting as mine was! College football started this weekend, this is one of the only reasons I am ok with saying goodbye to summer.  I’m also sad to say adios to my white jeans though – they are my fave. But, with the heat index ill gladly toss them aside for some cool air!

So bring it on Fall! I’m ready for pumpkin spice coffee, a cool walk around the lakes with Fritz, and LSU/Ole Miss! 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Prepare for the Worst, Hope for No Secrets"

Well, looks like I got my wish as far as getting a few extra days off work. Issac made his way to my neck of the woods; fortunately, all my friends and family remained safe. The weather really wasn’t terrible, just strong wind and lots of rain. We lucked out compared to the cities around us. My dad however was prepared to take on Katrina, boarding up our front door, and retaining enough gas to launch the next Apollo mission.  We did however have plenty of beer and wine. Nothing like the lights going out, and you getting a little tipsy to help make the time go by faster.

Im not sure if you have experienced a hurricane; this was my first one since Katrina and I felt a little out of the loop. During Katrina, one of my friends got power back fast, a bunch of us slept over there and re-watched One Tree Hill episodes for a week. I was in Oxford during Gustav, which really hit Baton Rouge hard. It left my dads house without power for about 7 days. They had a generator and all of the essentials, but here is where I should mention he was housing an 80-something year old couple, 2 kids under 8, and a another couple going through a divorce no one was aware of. Note to self: what’s going on inside during a hurricane, can be far worse than what’s going on outside. 

This, of course, was Fritz’s first hurricane. He really didn’t seem to phased…

I’m surprised how mellow he was, considering he was inside all day. I guess if I felt like I was going to be blown away while using the bathroom I probably wouldn’t hate taking a breather from it either.

This weekend I am in Vicksburg for my nephew’s first birthday. Hurricane or not, my sister would have had me swim here if I had to...