Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Name is Jennifer..

And I'm a Shopaholic...

Welcome, to my first unofficial SA meeting.
I’m not quite sure when this began, but my tendencies to resist buying whatever I want have disappeared. UNWILLINGLY.
I am pretty much under the impression my bank account is ever funding and the non-existent zero’s, do exist!
To make matters worse, I cleaned out my closet last night and all the empty hangers have left me feeling that I have no clothes.
The truth is I really don’t have as many clothes, as say, myroommatewhoseclosetisfullandcouldntfitapieceofpaperinbetweenherworkshirtsandcasualshirts.
This has lead me to believe I am in sort of competition, that she is unaware of, until she reads this.  :) 
I am fortunate enough to not need to separate work clothes with casual clothes, meaning, clothes I would wear out to grab dinner, I would totally wear to work. Maybe this is why my rods aren’t buckling in the middle, due to the weight; because I don’t need to separate my everyday life from my weekend life.
Pinterest doesn’t help. I envy the person who designed this fabulous website. 
Why don’t I think of things like this? 
The income from such creativity would really help with my pending addiction.
It has also turned me into an exquisite cook and a fabulous designer, for the house I one day hope to own, but these are discussions for another day. 
I feel like our game nights have turned into a “who found the best recipe on pinterest” night.
I’ll stop babbling now, while you all trickle off to pin new things… 

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