Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Shaping Up


Last week, my friends and I decided to start walking (although it was not promised that it would be a reoccurring thing), but I made a promise to myself it would be.  Last night I decided I would see how far I could run… hahahhah {i.e. how quick I could get out of breath and feel like I'm dying)….  Oh to be 17 again, please allow my nostalgia for high school to kick in here. I thought I drank a lot of water, I obviously don’t drink enough though. Plus, I’m sure my closet alcoholism, social drinking, doesn’t help either. My goal is to loose about 30 pounds, maybe if I blog about it, it will keep my motivation up. I WILL fit into my Citizen jeans before this year is over!

I do have to give it to my new kicks though; they are amazeballs. They’re really light AND they don’t have holes in the soles like my other pair.

Any helpful tips that keep your motivation up??? Hook a sista up….


  1. I started running last week! I forgot how much I loved and hated it...if that makes since. I do Pilates first (legs and abs) then run 10 mins, alternate walking. I gotta build back up. Plus it's still so fricken hot!! I really like running at my moms. Give me motivation that I'm going somewhere. I wanna walk the lakes with y'all next time!!

    1. I like to run in neighborhoods too, because if you run somewhere you gotta run back! haha I will let you know next time we go! I wanna go tonight, but I know you work UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  2. By setting small goals and working toward them I think it's the best way to stay motivated! I feel like I'm in good shape because I do my own type of circuit training with light weights and I'll do a mile and a half or two miles on the stationary bike but I tried to run more on the treadmill and it was far more challenging than I expected. However, I think if you push yourself a little further everytime then you will soon see your endurance build. Also, if I take a break and don't workout for 2 days or more I feel like I have to literally restart. Once you start to see results I think the motivation kicks in.
