Friday, September 14, 2012

It's Friday, Bitches

Happy #H54F!! Linking up with Lauren again. Also, fare warning, Mal and I will share a few of the same favorites this week. Cant help that I live with my best frannn..
1. Game Night was the bomb. I know I had an entire post dedicated to it, but really, what’s better than a bunch of your besties all together drinking wine and chatting about how stupid and naïve we used to be!
2. Had a Mexican Fiesta Tuesday with a bunch of the same girls, but also with a couple friends I hadn’t seen in a while.  It’s always nice to catch up with old girlfriends.
3. I knew I was destined to get sick eventually, and I was right, because I’m pretty sure I thought I was dying Wednesday and Thursday. The good thing was I got to stay home and have Fritz take care of me.
4. The Vampire Diaries is up on Netflix. NO ONE can tell me Ian Somerholder isn’t sexy. He’s my pick to play Christian Grey…
5. I got told how well I was doing at work. Its always nice to get a pat on the back sometimes…
Hope everyone’s weekend is balls to the wall!


  1. Okay I am totally jealous that you played monopoly! I love that game but can never get anyone to play with me. Probably because it takes hours! :) I just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

    1. so glad i was able to catch your eye! monopoly was fun, but i wouldnt hate it if i didnt play for another 3 years! excited to follow your blog as well! hope you enjoy my ridiculous-ness!
