Friday, September 28, 2012


Happy Friday y'all! If your work week was anything like mine, then today is a miracle it even arrived!

I'm linking up with Lauren again today, for my #H54F
1. I saw this AMAZING sunset; me and the rooms went for a walk around the lakes again and we got to witness this. (P.S Loved all the extra time I got to spend with her while her boy toy was gone!)
2. Tuesday, I left my purse AT WORK! Who does that?? I must have been itching to get out of there REALLL bad!
3. Fritz, just because this pic is adorbs, also cause it’s nice when he’s not jumping all over the place
4. Last night I ate Zoes Kitchen. This Greek salad is awesome, if you haven’t been there. GO NOW, you can thank me later...
5. After work today, me and Fritz-ter are off to Vicksburg for a weekend with my sister, mom, and the babies! Can’t wait to spend some time just the three of us, well five of us, but you knoww….

Hope everyone’s week is dryer than the souths is planned to be….
 Also, HOTTY TODDY #BeatBama!!!!! 


  1. haha I've left my purse at work before on a Friday!

    Have a great week!

    1. a Friday?? I would freak ha, our building locks after 5 and my card was in my wallet...
